
 This page records known references to Shri Mataji's use of  Sahastrara with the 't'.

1. Visual

Hands drawn by Shri Mataji

Chakras on Head drawn by Shri Mataji

2. Oral

1979-0505 Sahastrara Puja

1982-0505 Sahastrara Puja

1982-0505 Singing in Paris  (Shri Mataji is teaching bhajans to the yogis and insists, twice, on pronounciation of Sahastrara with a t)

1983-0505 Sahastrara Puja

1984-0505 Sahastrara Puja

1985-0502 Nirananda Talk

1985-0504 Evening before Sahastrara Day Talk

1985-0505 Sahastrara Puja

1986-0504 Sahastrara Puja (Shri Mataji says Sahastrara, and the translator says Sahasrara)

1987-0503 Sahastrara Puja

1988-0508 Sahasrara Puja

1989-0506 Sahastrara Puja

1990-0506 Sahastrara Puja

1991-0505 Sahastrara Puja

1993-0509 Sahastrara Puja

1994-0508 Sahastrara Puja

1995-0507 Sahastrara Puja

1996-0505 Sahastrara Puja

1997-0504 Sahasrara Puja

1998-0510 Sahastrara Puja

1999-0509 Sahasrara Puja

2000-0507 Sahastrara Puja

2001-0506 Sahastrara Puja

2002-0505 Sahastrara Puja

3. Written

Early typescript of Creation book (two examples on p.33)

Another early typescript of Creation book (also p.33)

Below are some examples of Shri Mataji's handwriting in both English and Hindi, including a correction by her of a Hindi language booklet for new people from the mid 70s. You will notice the booklet contains 2 styles of spellings. one with a t and one without, Shri Mataji has corrected the one without the t and has inserted the t. (Max A, 2023)

"I personally have never heard Shri Mataji pronounce Sahastrar without the t, nor seen her write it without a t." (Max A, 2023) 

Research by John Noyce, Max Ashton, Lana Nelson, Ilona Pall, Graznya Anslow

Discussions on this theme have occured over the years in the Sahaja Library facebook group. There has also been a discussion on the UK Community email list.

Additional links:

Sahastrara  (5 pages on the Amruta website)

Nicki Wells - Sahastrara (youtube - uploaded 2020)

Sahaja Yoga - Raga for Sahastrara - Darbari Kanada (youtube - uploaded 2018)

Dr. Arun Apte - Sahastrara Mantra "Rag Bhairavi & Rag Darbari" (youtube - uploaded 2009)

Sahastrar Mein aa jao Maa (youtube - uploaded 2021)