In a handwritten addition to an early transcript Shri Mataji comments on auras:
"God Almighty has three auras:The first one is of his Eternal Nature. It is beyond him meaning it is overwhelming him. His eternity and nature of his power cannot be argued or discussed. It is there because it is so. Human beings are not authorized to question it. They have to tune themselves with him and He does not have to tune with human beings. He is to be accepted as He is. Human beings cannot create His former shape or mould him with their conceptual ideas about him.
The God Almighty, Non Being, Parameshvara does not change with the periodic dissolution of creation into Parabrahma because He exists in the supreme state of Eternity.
The second aura exists as his own quality of Infinity. Perhaps, as human beings are finite, they cannot comprehend the full and detailed concept of Infinity. He is infinite in his expose. He is infinite in his powers. He is infinite in his expressions. Infinity means He cannot be concentrated on one point, line, triangle or circle. He cannot be counted and He is unaccountable.
The third aura expresses his Supremacy. His excellence cannot be excelled. No one or nothing can overpower him. Absolute cannot be compared and perfection cannot be corrected. He has all the rights and no duties. Thus his purpose is his own business. It cannot be explained.
These are the three natures of God which are not manifested and hence cannot be achieved.
The only power which can be achieved by human beings is his witnessing power. His Parameshwari power is expressed as Ishvari power in the body of Virata. This power exists in the human beings as Spirit or Atma. Through Parameshvari power, God marvels at himself, his creation, his powers and his being."
BAS page 6-9: Parabolic/elliptical
In early typescripts of chapter one in the section 'The Third Stage of Creation', Shri Mataji refers to the "Parabolic movement of the Primordial Mother". The BAS editors have changed that to the "elliptical movement of the Primordial Mother'. They have also substituted elliptical for parabolic throughout the section. No reason is given for the change.
This confusion arises from the term "Valaya" which refers to "ring", "bracelet" in sanskrit and therefore of elliptical shape. This is two dimensional. Explaining the Creation, Shri Mataji refers to the "bindu" which is three dimensional (it means "drop" in sanskrit). In the extract below She explains that when a bindu, i.e. a drop, revolves it takes a parabolic shape.
BAS page 25: Table is misleading/incorrect. The following may be a better representation.
Mahakali —> Shiva and Saraswati
Mahalakshmi—> Vishnu and Kali
Mahasaraswati —> Brahmadeva and Lakshmi
After presenting the incarnations of the Adi Guru in chapter 1 of an early typescript, Shri Mataji writes:
"These masters evolved new personalities endowed with the principle of disciples (Shishya Tatwa), which manifested as great disciples of these Adi Gurus! They incarnated on this earth as one of the eight other personalities. They appeared sometimes at the same time, Solomon, David, Guru Vasishta, John the Baptist, second and third Zoroaster. They incarnated as nine Naths, except for Macchindranath. later on Goraknath was born as Dhyaneshwara. Their sister Muktabai was the incarnation of Adi-Shakti. At the time of Rama, they were born as two twin sons of Sita the Adi-Shakti (Lav and Kusha). The twins were born later on as Lord Buddha and Lord Mahavira. They were reborn as Hassan and Hussain, sons of Fatima (Sita's reincarnation) who was the daughter of the prophet Mohammad (Sita being the daughter of Raja Janaka). The disciple principle incarnated as Markandeya, Vasishta, Vyasa, Adi shankaracharya, Kabir, Vallabhadas and Gangangadh Maharaj, who is living near Kolophur.
There are many more of them who have lived before and have taken birth in the Kaliyuga and are living in the present times. They are mostly living in the forests, hiding from the madning crowd. They are waiting for the right time to appear in the light, when Sahaja Yoga bestow light to the masses. They will come out of their remote dwellings to give witness of the working of Sahaja Yoga.
The disciples created by Adi Gurus were human beings but they achieved salvation with the help of their Gurus or with their own efforts. There are many of these great souls who are born in India and abroad. Many realized souls are also born after the year 1970 and are still small children. Among them there are many great souls. There are many more greater people who would be born by the end of year 1980."
In the BAS (p41) there is a paragraph on the incarnation of Shri Kalki which reads like it has been edited by yogis. Compare this BAS paragraph with the handwritten comment at the end of an early Incarnations typescript:
"The last incarnation created on the Primordial brain (Sahastrara) is that of Kalki. This is a collective being who will be created in the Kaliyuga through Sahaja Yoga by the incarnation of the AdiShakti as Mahamaya (The great illusion). The day this incarnation was born the awakening started. People who were affluent started running away from materialism. They gave up all old ideas of luxury comfort and styles. They took to simpler life and started [n.... ?] in the east in search of Reality.
This incarnation will create the incarnation of Kalki. Those who will get self-realisation will be the white robed horsemen who would enter the realm of God and the rest would be destroyed. Thus a new world living collective awareness will be born. The golden age of Satya yuga."
Linguistic note:
In the early typescripts the spelling Sahastrara is consistently used including two usages in Shri Mataji's handwriting. The BAS editors have used 'Sahasrara' throughout the published edition, presumably in accordance with the IATS transliteration standard.
Research by Gwen Verez and John Noyce